Mayfield Houses

At Mayfield Preparatory School, pupils are placed in one of three Houses – Nightingale, Scott and Livingstone. Each House has a teacher as House Mistress / Master, pupils as Games and House Captains. Notice boards give information to House members. During the year competitive House events are organised in sport, music, chess, and quizzes. Cups are awarded for each event. House points ( Merits ) are awarded on a daily basis by staff for a variety of reasons, e.g. academic progress or for good manners at the discretion of staff. A House Assembly is held every half term, which is taken by House Captains. This is an opportunity for feedback to the House on house points and forthcoming events. Each house has its own charity and organises fundraising activities during the year e.g. Red Nose Day, Children in Need and many others.

Livingstone 1888
Head of House - Mrs Smith
Nightingale 1821
Head of House - Miss Roberts
Scott 1934
Head of House - Mrs Guest