Welcome back

Dear Parents


I hope you and your families have enjoyed the summer and that you have all kept safe and well. School is due to re-open to all children on Thursday 3rd September and the updated re-opening plan and risk assessment can be viewed in the information section of the website under policies. Of course, these are subject to change and will be reviewed and re-issued to you on a weekly basis. Below is a summary of important information for the first day back at school:


  • Children will be in class pods with as few members of staff as possible to avoid cross contamination. This also means that the one way system, staggered opening and closing times, staggered break and lunch times, taking temperatures on arrival, different entrances into school, no parent parking on site, PPE, regular hand washing, hand gel, more frequent cleaning etc will all still be in place in September.
  • Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Transition, Form I and Form II “Pods” will start at 8.30am and finish at 3.15pm
  • Lower II, Kindergarten, Upper II & Lower III “Pods” will start at 8.45am and finish at 3.30pm
  • Parents will be requested to arrive in a timely manner at the time allocated.
  • PRE-NURSERY will be based in Pre-Nursery, accessed via the usual door
  • NURSERY will be based in Nursery, accessed via the usual door
  • KINDERGARTEN will have one “Pod” in Kindergarten, accessed by the Music Room door
  • TRANSITION will have one “Pod” in Transition, accessed by the main school front door,
  • FORM I will have one “Pod” in Form I, accessed by the Rose Garden door,
  • LOWER II will have one “Pod” in the Science Room, accessed by the Art block door,
  • FORM II will have one “Pod” in the Art room, accessed by the Art block door,
  • UPPER II “Pod” in Upper II on the top floor, accessed by the main school front door,
  • LOWER III will have one “Pod” in Lower III on the top floor, accessed via the Rose Garden.
  • We ask that the children will be returning in uniform, but not blazers and hats, in September, except on PE days when they will come in in their PE kits and tracksuits. We will provide you with timetables at the beginning of September.
  • All the curriculum subjects will be taught to the usual world class Mayfield standard, with homework set as usual via Teams
  • Currently, large gatherings and singing are prohibited, so the Harvest Festival, Parent information evenings, Nativities and Carol Service may be affected but we will let you know nearer the time in the Autumn Term.
  • There will be extra-curricular activities offered in class pods, such as study skills and sports clubs, and we hope to start these on Monday 21st September
  • We hope to start peripatetic music lessons from Monday 21st September after we have gauged the success of the re-opening of the school and we will confirm this with you shortly.
  • We plan to re-start breakfast and after school clubs from Thursday 3rd September and you will need to contact the school office to arrange your child to attend
  • We hope to re-start swimming, Kung Fu and Chess as soon as possible but currently children from different pods are not allowed to mix so we will have to wait for the restrictions to be relaxed before those extra activities re-start – we will keep you up-to-date.
  • School dinners will be starting in September, initially as a meal in a bag and delivered to each class, then moving onto a 3 week menu when it is safe to eat in the hall again. School dinners will be added to your Parentpay by the end of the day. You will need to make your dinner selection in advance.

Finally, I must re-iterate that some of the above may be updated and you will be informed of any changes- this is a fluid situation and we are constantly updating our plans. I look forward to seeing all the children back next week and I wish you all a great bank holiday weekend.

Best wishes and take care


Mr M. Draper
