Mayfield Invitational Cross – Country 2017
The Mayfield Invitational Cross -Country 2017
On Friday 17th March at 1.50pm Mayfield hosted the eleventh Mayfield Invitational Cross -Country Competition. After nine weeks of training in running club and some additional work in P. E. lessons our runners were looking forward, albeit nervously, to the afternoons races. The weather was cold but dry and everyone was feeling positive and excited.
We had the advantage of running on our own course with the support of Teachers, Parents and Team mates. At about 1.15pm the eight visiting schools began to arrive, they were Lichfield Cathedral School, Hydesville School, The Shrubbery School, Highclare, St George’s, Chase Grammar, Tettenhall and Blue Coat. It was a bit chaotic as all the teams began to warm up and familiarise themselves with the course.
Just after 2pm the first race the under nine girls (LII and FII) flew off the start line. Our team was Aneesa, Aisha, Muneet, Serena, Isha and Grace. Our top two finishers were Aneesa 8th and Aisha 15th, but the whole team put in a great effort. Highclare won the Team Shield and we did well to come fourth.
The second race was the under nine boys (LII and FII). Our runners were Jeevan, Zayan, Bobby, Sevak , Yuvraj and Ben. Our best finisher was Jeevan 8th. This was a fast paced race and the Mayfield boys did a great job getting four runners in the top twelve. Highclare won the Team Shield but our boys achieved a fabulous third place.
The under eleven girls ran next (UII and LIII). Our team was Nandhika, Olivia, Eliza, Nikki, Anaisha and Mischa. Nandhika finished a great 8th place, with the rest of the team running bravely and determinedly behind her. Highclare again won the team shield.
The final race to thunder down the course was the under eleven boys. The Mayfield team was Ryan, Ranveer, Prnay, Maanav, Jaiden and Alfie. Ryan led the Mayfield runners home in an impressive 7th place. The rest of the team were battling it out with the other runners, but it all paid off with the Mayfield team finishing a fantastic third in the team results. Lichfield were the overall winners in this race.
The presentation took place in the Pavilion. We had learnt a lot from racing alongside some really talented runners. It had been a really inspiring afternoon of friendly competition and we were all proud of our two third places in the boy’s races. We are now all looking forward to the summer term’s running in Athletics.
Many thanks to everyone involved. It would be impossible without you. This has included the initial organising and planning; to the baking of cakes, serving and preparing the refreshments, keeping scores and tidying up at the end.
Thank you to all parents who supported our teams, your encouragement made a real difference.
Thank you also to Queen Mary’s High School for allowing us to use their Pavilion.
To all the runners you did yourselves and your school proud.
Well done.
Mrs. K Cook