Whitsun half term round up

Whitsun Half-Term Round-up
Dear Parents,
While this seems to have been a short half-term, we seem to have packed a great deal into it. This is a brief re-cap of events and also a chance for me to bring you up-to-date with further news.
Exam week
Everyone at school worked hard during exam week and early signs indicate that the results have been excellent. We await the publication of the KS1 and KS2 SATs results in July with great anticipation.
Royal Wedding
Last Friday, 18th May, the whole school put the exams behind us and celebrated the Royal Wedding. The children (and staff!) had a wonderful day, starting with art and crafts in the morning, a right royal knees-up in the lunchtime street party and finishing with an afternoon of traditional sports on the paddock in the glorious sunshine. Livingstone emerged as the winning house in the afternoon’s sports. Thanks go to all the hardworking staff for organizing a wonderful day, particularly to Mrs Palmer, Mrs Pittaway, Miss Lyons, Mrs Higgins and Mrs Hayward.
Swimming Gala
The Swimming Gala was very well-attended as always. It was heart-warming to see so many of our pupils swimming, from the learners in nursery to the developing and intermediate swimmers right up to the advanced older children. Maanav and Mischa emerged as the top swimmers and Livingstone won the House Swimming Cup. Well done to all the competitors and thanks to Mrs Pittaway and all the staff for a wonderful gala.
I also want to bring you up-to-date with staffing arrangements for September. There will be no change in Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Kindergarten, Form I, Form II and Lower III. We will also be welcoming Mrs Evans in Nursery and Miss Gamble in Lower II back from maternity leave at the beginning of July. Miss Rees will be the Transition Form Teacher and Mrs Crosby will be the Lower II Form Teacher and taking over as Head of Science. Mr Watts will be the Upper II Form Teacher and teaching Mathematics. As a former Year 5 Form Teacher and Head of Mathematics at his previous school, Manor Lodge, a well-respected independent school in Hertfordshire, Mr Watts is eminently qualified to bring the best out of our Upper II students. I am also pleased to announce that the Assistant Headteacher from September will be Mrs Hawthorne. She has taught in several schools, most notably a stint at Elmhurst, the Royal Ballet school in Edgbaston, and for the last 4 years at the Royal, Wolverhampton. She has been Head of ICT at different schools and is currently Head of House, caring for over 200 pupils. Among other subjects, she has taught Mathematics to GCSE and Computer Science to A Level. The Principal at the Royal has recommended her highly to me, praising her approachability and her ability to form strong bonds with the pupils and excellent professional relationships with staff and parents. At Mayfield, Mrs Hawthorne will take on the responsibilities of pupil welfare and wellbeing, as well as becoming the Head of ICT. She will be teaching Mathematics, Science and ICT to Lower III. The children will be able to spend time with their new form teachers on Moving Up day on Friday 29th June.
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Thus, we come to end of the half-term report. I wish you all a wonderful half-term break and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 11th June.
Mr M. Draper