Welcome back to Mayfield at the start of the Summer Term

Dear Parents,
We have been blessed with a spell of beautiful, summery weather at the start of term. Indeed, I expect to see all the children changing over to summer uniform in the next few weeks and certainly by the week after the May Bank Holiday. Some children appear to be wearing partly summer and partly winter uniform. Please note that it is not appropriate to ‘mix and match’ winter and summer uniforms, but to wear the winter uniform until you have the summer uniform ready for your child to wear. For everyone’s convenience, Clemmy’s will run a pop-up uniform shop in the Art room next Friday after school.
I am pleased to say that the children have come back to school refreshed after the Easter break and have settled in really well to their studies. The Summer Term Calendar is now on the school website for a preview of all that is to come and there are many exciting events coming up soon, including trips, music concerts, sports days, a Maths Challenge, the Lower III production and the Prizegiving at the end of term.
Hopefully, the good weather will continue this weekend, so make the most of it with plenty of outdoors activities – I’ll be having a barbecue this evening and playing the last rugby match of the season tomorrow in Stafford, in between ferrying my children to tennis and netball!
Let’s enjoy another wonderful Summer Term at Mayfield!
Best wishes
Mr M Draper