ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection 7th December 2017

The report is extremely pleasing. The findings are that Mayfield Preparatory School has met the rigorous standards in all eight categories.


The new ISI Inspection Framework falls into 2 different types of inspection:-


  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Focused Compliance and Educational Quality


This inspection was a Regulatory Compliance Inspection, and this means that the ISI Report makes clear whether, as a school, Mayfield met or did not meet the ISSR (Independent Schools Standards Regulations) and the Early Years Foundation (EYFS) requirements.


In the New Framework Report there are no overall headline judgements “of Good, Excellent etc” on the quality of education provided by the School, findings are instead only focused on the extent to which the school has met the minimum standards laid out in the regulatory requirements outlined by the Department for Education.


The Regulatory Compliance Inspection conducted a very in-depth examination of the following 8 standards:-


  • Quality of Education Provided – Met the required standard
  • SMSC ( Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural ) development of pupils- Met the required standard
  • Welfare, Health and Safety of pupils- Met the required standard
  • Suitability of Staff, Supply Staff and Proprietors- Met the required standard
  • Premises of and Accommodation at school- Met the required standard
  • Provision of Information – Met the required standard
  • The Manner in which Complaints are handled – Met the required standard
  • Quality of Leadership in and Management of school – Met the required standard


For each of these 8 standards the Quality Compliance Report simply states whether, as a school, the school has met each of the standards or not and then will gives a brief factual statement which describes the standard. However, attention must be drawn to certain parts which state positive comments:


  • Part 1, paragraph 2.3 – “The teaching enables pupils to make good progress, encompasses effective behaviour management and is supported by suitable resources.”
  • Part 2, paragraph 2.5 – “Principles and values are actively promoted which facilitate the personal development of pupils as responsible, tolerant, law-abiding citizens.”
  • Part 3, paragraph 2.7 – “Arrangements are made to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils by means that pay due regard to current statutory guidance; good behaviour is promoted; bullying is prevented so far as reasonably practicable;” and “Pupils are properly supervised;”
  • Part 8, paragraph 2.17 – “The proprietor ensures that the leadership and management demonstrate good skills and knowledge, and fulfil their responsibilities effectively, so that the other standards are met and they actively promote the well-being of the pupils.”


The outcome of the Inspection is extremely pleasing and we welcome the opportunity to receive professional feedback on what we do well and how we can be even better moving the school forward in preparation for our Focus Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection in three years’ time.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank each parent and pupil who submitted the on-line questionnaire, each pupil who spoke to the inspection team, submitted their work, had their learning observed and were super ambassadors for the school in their conduct over the two days of inspection.


I would like also to thank the committed and dedicated staff at Mayfield who work so hard, to ensure we provide the best possible outcomes for your children.


Finally, I would also like to thank the governors for their support and for their time so generously and voluntarily given to the school.


To see the full report click here.


Matthew Draper
