Welcome back!

Welcome back to Mayfield at the start of the Spring Term. The children have settled back in to the routine very quickly and everything is running smoothly. A warm welcome, also, to our new starters in Pre-Nursery, who have all settled in beautifully, and to our new teaching assistants, Mrs Whatmore in Kindergarten, Mrs Boden in Nursery, and to our new ICT Technician, Mrs Martin, who qualified with, among other things, an MSC in Computing from De Montfort, Leicester, and has worked for many years in ICT. Last week, we wished Miss Gamble well as she went on maternity leave and, covering as teaching assistant in Lower II we welcome Miss Plumpton, who has worked in several Birmingham independent and local authority schools for the last seven years.
Ahead of us lies another exciting and action-packed Spring Term, with a huge range of events coming up. To view the Spring Term Calendar, visit the home page of our website on www.mayfieldprep.co.uk . No doubt more events will be announced as the term continues!
ISI Inspection
After our successful school inspection in December, I can inform you that the final report will be ready to distribute to all parents in two weeks’ time. I can assure you that you will very pleased!
To round off this newsletter, I would like to thank all pupils, Staff, parents, Governors and friends of the school who helped to make 2017 such a successful year. Mayfield is thriving and there is a warm glow about the school, inside and out.
Let’s make 2018 our best year yet!
Happy New Year!
Mr M Draper