Christmas has arrived at Mayfield and I want to begin by thanking children and parents for all the lovely cards and presents the staff and I have received, as well as a lovely lunch provided to us yesterday! Let’s take a moment to share a few memories of the term.
Mayfield Preparatory School is celebrating the seventh successive year in the Sunday Times League Tables Top 100 Prep Schools, as the school rocketed to number 17, our highest position ever!
A great school must have great teachers and I am extremely pleased with the new additions to the teaching staff: Mrs Hayward, the Director of Music; Mrs Guest in Form I; Mrs Crosby in Transition; and Miss Rees in Lower II. They have all made an excellent start to their careers at Mayfield and I hope they will continue their good work here for many years to come.
As always, the term got off to a great start with the annual fundraiser, the MacMillan Coffee morning. Thanks to Lower III for a well-organised (and tasty) event and well done to everyone for raising an amazing £600. Mr Watts and Livingstone organised an amazing day for Children in Need. The challenge matches between the parents, staff and children’s school teams were great fun, with the staff netball and football teams just coming out on top – and we raised an incredible £500 – well done, everyone!
Mrs Hayward showed us her talents firstly with the lovely Harvest Festivals just before half term – thanks for all the food donations which went to Birmingham food banks; secondly, with her heavy involvement in the Early Years and Lower School Nativities; thirdly, for taking Form II, Upper II and Lower III to St Matthew’s for the Christmas Festival of Voices, run by Kevin Stannard; fourthly, in organising her first Mayfield carol service and being flexible enough to ensure it was still a success despite the adverse weather causing a change of venue from the usual St Matthew’s; and finally, taking Form II carol singing in the Acorns rest home on Birmingham Road, which one resident told me ‘made her day’! Thanks and the highest praise must also go to Mrs Palmer for accompanying Mrs Hayward at all of these events, and for standing in for her during one of the Nativities.
There have been quite a few trips and visits this term. Upper School and Lower School again went to the panto to watch Aladdin at the Lichfield Garrick. Meanwhile, Nursery had a practical day cooking pizzas at Pizza Express, while Pre-Nursery had a great day at Ash End Farm. The Lower III Mathematics teams rose to the challenge at Wrekin College, both gaining 3rd place in their respective groups out of over 74 teams attending. Lower III enjoyed a Victorian day at Blist Hill, while Upper II had a Tudor day at Oak House. Mr Johal took some children to a photography day at KEHS. Lower III also had a day out at the Walsall Art Gallery. Transition and Form I enjoyed a visit to the Botanical Gardens. Lower II and Form II enjoyed an Egyptian day out at Birmingham museum. Form I and Lower II enjoyed a cultural visit to the local gurdwara. Finally, we had a visit from Andi Markham of Kids UK, who, with the help of his friends, Jack and Grandpa, gave us a very important Christmas message about telling the truth and about respect.
In sports, Mayfield played their first ever hockey matches against another school when we hosted St Bede’s. The Under 11 football team also experienced a tournament away at Hallfield. Watch this space for further fixtures in rugby, netball, swimming, chess and cross-country organised for next term.
As ever, we are extremely grateful to the hardworking members of the PTA. They have organised two highly successful evenings this term: the school disco and the Christmas Fayre. This was a magnificent event and everybody had the most wonderful time last Friday evening despite the snow! Many thanks go to the PTA and Mayfield staff for all their hard work. Thanks to the popularity of the events and everybody’s generosity, valuable funds have been raised for the good of the school, such as the new ‘wobbly bridge’ in Pre-Nursery and the amazing visit earlier in the term when the school hall was transformed into a Planetarium. Many thanks also to the members of the PTA, who have provided refreshments after all the school performances this term.
At the end of a very busy term and just as everyone was enjoying the plethora of Christmas activities, I received notice that ISI would be inspecting. After a rigorous two day inspection, I am very happy with the outcome. Although I am not allowed to report their findings, as they are confidential until officially published, the inspectors found the children to be bright, inquisitive and very socially advanced, they thanked the staff for being so welcoming at this busy time of year and they were delighted by the school’s efficient provision of all the information required. The report will be officially published in the New Year and a copy sent out to all the parents of the school.
On a sad note, we are saying goodbye to Mrs Broadbent, the Teaching Assistant in Kindergarten, as she has decided to retire at Christmas after over 40 years of work. I would like to thank her and wish her all the best for the future. Mrs Whatmore will be assisting Miss Roberts in Kindergarten from January. She is a fully qualified and very experienced teaching assistant, who has been at Blackwood School for a number of years. I was very impressed when she came for the day for interview and to teach, and I look forward to working with her in the New Year. No doubt you will also meet her very soon. Also, Mrs Evans will be going on maternity leave tomorrow and we wish her all the best when her family expands in the New Year. Miss Sal will take over Mrs Evans’ duties, while Mrs Boden will take on the afternoon and After School Club duties during the maternity leave. I wish all the new staff the very best and I know you will join me in giving them a warm welcome at Mayfield.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. Stay safe, enjoy the holiday and I look forward to seeing you all refreshed on Thursday 4th January.
Mr M. Draper