Parent Governor Update

Dear Fellow Parents,
As the Parent Governor I would just like to provide a summary of work that I have undertaken this past year.
I have attended all the Board of Governors meetings at Mayfield and I feel I have represented the opinions of the parents. I have also attended a number of meetings of the subgroup of the board which look at updating school policies and procedures.
I am currently tasked with updating one of the school policies and will do so by September.
I have been involved in supporting parents with any questions that they may have and where required have sought the answers from Mr Draper or Mrs Palmer.
In January I arranged for a Dogs Trust representative to attend the school assembly to talk to the children about the safety required when being around dogs.
The healthy eating campaign that Mayfield has implemented has been a great success with the children and I have supported this by raising the awareness and importance of the children drinking water throughout the day.
After a governors meeting I was asked to remind all parents about appropriate parking, of which I did send an email. I hope that all parents, carers and family members continue to park appropriately for the safety of all our children.
Finally also being part of the PTA I have tried to support the events throughout the year.
I think the best job Wasima (PTA Chair) and myself had was being chief taste testers of all the great cakes that were submitted at the ‘Mayfield Bake Off’ at the Easter Fun Day.
I know we are all busy with work and daily life, however if you can spare some time to be part of and support the PTA then you will be very welcome, any help is greatly appreciated.
I know it is not possible for all to attend evening PTA meetings, but if you are able to help at any of the planned events please let one of the PTA members know.
There have been many successful events such as the quiz, Christmas Fair, Easter Fun day and half term disco, not forgetting the summer carnival garden party all of which need support from parents.
Please do contact me if you have any queries or issues to raise and I will endeavour to find the answers.
Hope you all have a good summer and hopefully we will have the sunshine to go with it!
Jyoti Saini
Parent Governor